OBR articles
Our article series provides additional insights on economic and fiscal issues related to our forecasts and other work.
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How health status affects labour market participation
In this article, we explore the impact of population health on the medium-term economic and fiscal outlook, highlighting the risks poor health poses to the long-term sustainability of public finances. We detail our scenarios for the effects of population health on economic and fiscal prospects, focusing on the labour market and the impact of health status on labour participation. We also discuss the implications of our findings for the interplay between health, health spending, and the economy and public finances.
Income tax and the earnings distribution
In this article, we set out how we put the PAYE income tax forecast together in our biannual Economic and fiscal outlooks; how new distributional analysis of earnings informs and improves our forecast; and what our latest forecast assumes about earnings growth across the distribution.
Trends in labour market inactivity for caring purposes
In this article, we examine the reasons for the consistent downwards trend in inactivity for caring purposes coming to an end and what it might imply for our forecast for overall labour force participation.
Dynamic scoring of policy measures in OBR forecasts
In this article, we set out how the OBR's economic and fiscal forecasts capture the dynamic effects of policies on the economic behaviour of people and businesses.
The OBR ready reckoner
Our new ready reckoner allows users to obtain quick, indicative estimates of how changes in the economy affect public finances.
300 years of UK public finance data
Our new historical public finances database contains 300 years of tax, spending, borrowing and debt data. This article tells the story of government borrowing and debt since 1700 and how the level and composition of tax and spending have evolved over this period.